Herdecke Community Hospital
The community hospital in Herdecke (near Dortmund) was the first hospital to practice Anthroposophic Medicine as an acute care hospital. Opened on the 11th of November 1969 with 192 beds, the house expanded over the years to 471 beds including several new buildings, the Dorte Krause-Institute, a nursing school, and the Ita Wegman School for sick children. Today, approximately 11,000 patients are taken care of in Herdecke each year, by about 1,200 employees.
The community hospital is responsible for outpatient and inpatient care of the citizens of the town of Herdecke and its surroundings (including comprehensive psychiatric care and emergency medical services). Through the high quality of its services and its comprehensive approach to medicine, the hospital also attracts patients from other parts of Germany and abroad.
It has the following departments:
- Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
- Radiology (MRI and computed tomography, mammography, digital subtraction angiography)
- Surgery (general, orthopedic, urologic, visceral and trauma surgery)
- Neurology (including neuro-radiological function diagnostics, stroke unit, early rehabilitation, with a focus on multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease)
- Neurosurgery (including neurosurgical emergency ambulance)
- Department of Spinal Cord Injuries (including the Hemiplegia Outpatient Clinic)
- Gynaecology (member of the West German Breast Center, incontinence diagnosis and therapy, Dysplasia Clinic)
- Obstetrics (risk pregnancies, Midwife Practice, Family Clinic)
- Internal Medicine (Interdisciplinary Oncology, Gastroenterology)
- Cardiology (Short Stay Ward and Treatment Ward, cardiac MRI, cardiac catheter laboratory, pacemaker therapy)
- Child and Adolescent Medicine (neonatology and neonatal intensive care, children’s oncology, diabetes)
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (including Day Hospital)
- Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
- Psychiatry (Acute Psychiatry, Young Adults Division, Witten Day Hospital)
Herdecke Community Hospital
Gerhard-Kienle-Weg 4
D-58313 Herdecke
Telephone +49 (0)2330 62-0
Fax +49 (0)2330 62-3995